DrErinMcCandless (1)Volume 10 Issue 1 of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development is now available. This special issue is entitled:  “Vertical Integration: A Dynamic Practice Promoting Transformative Peacebuilding.”

 Scholarship and practice in areas of both peacebuilding and development have long been concerned with the question of how to maximise efforts at different levels and use resources effectively towards producing coherent results that spawn society-wide impacts and benefits. This special issue examines emerging debates and practices around the notion of vertical integration – the idea of linking actors, ideas and efforts vertically for peacebuilding and development impact.

Professor Erin McCandless, the Chief Editor of the Journal, has co-authored an editorial with Eric Abitbol and Timothy Donais reviewing thinkers and scholarship on vertical integration, and reflect on the importance of pushing understanding of vertical integration further and better operationalizing the concept.

 The Journal of Peacebuilding and Development is a tri-annual refereed journal providing a forum for the sharing of critical thinking and constructive action on issues at the intersection of conflict, development and peace.  Aiming to develop theory-practice and South-North dialogues, JPD foregrounds qualitative methodologies that seek to voice the micro, hidden impact of dominant policies and practices. The mix of theory, practice, policy analysis and recommendation ensures that JPD offers a holistic, visionary set of approaches for those striving to advance collaborative efforts between the fields of peacebuilding and development. 

 This editorial, and all copies of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development can always be accessed by signing into the New School library. The Journal can also be viewed and purchased on the publisher’s website.

