LEED Green Associate Exam Prep NMGT0333


1 session(s). Sat., 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, beg. April 13. $200.00

Register: Non-Credit


1 session(s). Sat., 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, beg. April 27. $200.00

Register: Non-Credit



1 session(s). Sat., 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, beg. May 4. $200.00

Register: Non-Credit
LEED Green Associate is the first step to becoming a LEED AP (Accredited Professional). The GBCI (Green Building Certification Institute) created the Green Associate to provide further knowledge on the underlying environmental issues to each credit and category in each LEED rating system. By taking this course each student will become eligible to take the LEED Green Associate exam. They will have the tools to prepare them to earn this credential, which could then help place them in a position geared toward sustainability, a sector more firms are highly considering for their business practices. LEED has become the leading green building rating system and even though it was created to focus on design and construction, there are vast fields of practices that are affected by the lessons learned from LEED.

This course thoroughly reviews the objectives of the LEED green building rating system and the environmental benefits that coincide with it. The course will review the main categories within LEED and the foundations of all LEED rating systems, including:

• Sustainable Sites
• Water Efficiency
• Energy & Atmosphere
• Materials & Resources
• Indoor Environmental Quality
• Innovation in Design 
• Regional Priority